Issue - meetings
Proposed use of Basic Need funding to support improvements to facilities at Archbishop Holgate’s Academy
Meeting: 26/07/2016 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Children Young People and Education (Item 8)
This paper describes work that needs to take place to improve facilities at Archbishop Holgate’s Church of England Academy. There is an urgent need (from 1 September 2016) for increased capacity in terms of social space and dining facilities to accommodate growing pupil numbers at Archbishop Holgate’s.
Resolved: That the use of £206,000 of Basic Need funding to support improvements to the catering facilities and social spaces at Archbishop Holgate’s Church of England Academy, as detailed in paragraph 10 of the report, be approved.
Reason: As a result of the continued growth in pupil numbers the current catering facilities and social spaces at the school are no longer adequate to meet the school’s requirements.
The Executive Member considered a report that detailed work that needed to take place to improve facilities at Archbishop Holgate’s Church of England Academy. It was noted that there was an urgent need (from 1 September 2016) for increased capacity in terms of social space and dining facilities to accommodate growing pupil numbers at the school.
Officers drew attention to the growth in pupil numbers at the school, as detailed in paragraphs 3 and 4 of the report and to the consultation that had taken place regarding the proposed improvements to the school.
The Executive Member considered the options detailed in paragraphs 9 to 11 of the report. Officers explained that Option 1 in the report would be a traditional build which meant that it would not be completed for September 2016. Option 2 would use modular buildings to create a permanent building at the front of the school. This option was more cost effective than Option 1 and the work could be completed more quickly.
The Executive Member stated that he recognised the need to ensure that pupils had access to good facilities as well as classroom accommodation. He sought assurances that the use of modular buildings would provide facilities that were of good quality. Officers stated that the use of modular buildings was now common in school building. They were durable and of good quality and the feedback from users had been very positive.
The Executive Member sought clarification as to whether pupil numbers at the school would level out. He was informed that this was the case and hence the buildings would be fit for purpose.
Resolved: That the use of £206,000 of Basic Need funding to support improvements to the catering facilities and social spaces at Archbishop Holgate’s Church of England Academy, (Option 2 - as detailed in paragraph 10 of the report), be approved.
Reason: As a result of the continued growth in pupil numbers the current catering facilities and social spaces at the school are no longer adequate to meet the school’s requirements.