Issue - meetings

Update to the Strategic Cycle Route Network Evaluation and Prioritisation Methodology

Meeting: 14/07/2016 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 18)

18 Revisions to the Strategic Cycle Route Network Evaluation and Prioritisation Methodology pdf icon PDF 167 KB

The purpose of this report is to update the Executive Member on revisions to the current methodology used for evaluating and prioritising the strategic cycle route network. The updated methodology will be used to identify future schemes to be investigated and delivered as part of the Transport Capital Programme.


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Resolved:  That the amendments to the methodology for the evaluation and prioritisation of the strategic cycle route network be noted and approved.

Reason:   To enable the revised methodology, network and prioritised list of schemes to be adopted as council policy and to become part of the emerging Local Plan.



The Executive Member received a report which updated him on revisions to the current methodology used for evaluating and prioritising the strategic cycle route network.

After having heard all the representations raised by the public speakers, the Executive Member stated that he supported cycling in the city and in regards to the strategic cycling network felt it was best to consider whole routes, rather than to take a piecemeal approach.

Resolved:  That the amendments to the methodology for the evaluation and prioritisation of the strategic cycle route network be noted and approved.

Reason:   To enable the revised methodology, network and prioritised list of schemes to be adopted as council policy and to become part of the emerging Local Plan.



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