Issue - meetings

Pedestrian Crossing Request Evaluation and Prioritisation Methodology

Meeting: 11/08/2016 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 25)

25 Pedestrian Crossing Request Evaluation and Prioritisation Methodology pdf icon PDF 247 KB

The purpose of this report is to agree a process for development of a new methodology for evaluating and prioritising pedestrian crossing improvement requests. 

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Resolved:  That the staged process approach proposed in Option 1, be adopted to deal with the 2016/17 budget allocation for pedestrian crossing improvements using a new methodology to evaluate and prioritise pedestrian crossing requests for future financial years.

Reason:     To ensure the 2016/17 budget allocation is spent on delivering improvements for local residents and that the list of outstanding pedestrian crossing requests can be assessed taking into account appropriate factors.


The Executive Member considered a report which sought to agree a process for the development of a new methodology for evaluating and prioritising pedestrian crossing improvement requests. It was noted that the resulting prioritised list would be used to influence sites for investigation, and implemented as appropriate, from future years’ Transport Capital Programmes.


The Executive Member noted Councillor Craghill’s comments in respect of this item and he confirmed that the issue of suppressed demand was already covered within the new process and that any further investment would be  dealt with as part of the budget process.

The Executive Member then considered the following options:

Option 1: Adopt the staged process proposed in paragraph 9 of the report, to deal with 2016/17 schemes and the prioritising of sites using the new formula identified in Annex B.

Option 2: Adopt the staged process proposed in paragraph 9 of the report to deal with 2016/17 schemes and the prioritising of sites using the existing formula.

Option 3: Use the 16/17 budget to review the existing formula and undertake surveys to enable the full request list to be prioritised

Resolved:  That the staged process approach proposed in Option         1, be adopted to deal with the 2016/17 budget allocation for pedestrian crossing improvements using a new methodology to evaluate and prioritise pedestrian crossing requests for future financial years.

Reason:     To ensure the 2016/17 budget allocation is spent on delivering improvements for local residents and that the list of outstanding pedestrian crossing requests can be assessed taking into account appropriate factors.











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