Issue - meetings
Local Area Coordination in York
Meeting: 25/08/2016 - Executive (Item 35)
35 Local Area Coordination in York PDF 386 KB
This report outlines progress made to identify an approach to Local Area Coordination in York, creating networks of support around people to increase independence and reduce dependence on statutory services. The report outlines the next steps required to implement the first stages of the project.
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Resolved: That the Executive agree to note the progress made in identifying an approach which helps to address significant demand challenges faced in the city and approve the progression to the next stage of development, including the recruitment of Local Area Coordinators.
Reason: To ensure residents are best supported in respect of the future context of Adult Social Care.
Members considered a report which outlined progress made to identify an approach to Local Area Coordination, an internationally recognised approach to the creation of networks of support around people to increase independence and reduce dependency on statutory services.
Officers reported on the significant pressures across the health and social care system with a decrease in funding and increased demand and life expectancy. They highlighted that the Coordinators would deliver support alongside local people, in partnership with statutory, community and voluntary services.
Members noted that the initial proposal related to the appointment of three Local Area Coordinators located in three different geographical areas to provide an evidence base to provide a business case for further investment.
Members also noted examples of work undertaken by Local Area Coordinators and that the Local Government Association had provided initial funding for the development of coordination in the city.
Officers confirmed that the selection of areas involved in the trial would be undertaken in conjunction with other Council services, partners and Ward Members and would cover a range of different settings with a variety of different issues.
Members expressed their support for the direction of travel and the need for innovative work to assist with the demand on Council services.
Following further discussion it was
Resolved: That the Executive agree to note the progress made in identifying an approach which helps to address significant demand challenges faced in the city and approve the progression to the next stage of development, including the recruitment of Local Area Coordinators. 1.
Reason: To ensure residents are best supported in respect of the future context of Adult Social Care.