Issue - meetings

City Walls Repairs and Restoration

Meeting: 09/06/2016 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 7)

7 Review of the York City Walls Restoration Programme Phase 1 pdf icon PDF 176 KB

This report presents an evidence-based 5 year programme for managing repair and restoration on York City Walls. 


Resolved: That the findings of the report be noted and the scheme programme be approved.


Reason:   Council officers and the appointed structural engineer have identified and ranked the urgent structural defects affecting the Bar Walls. In particular three schemes have been identified for repairs this financial year, Micklegate Bar Roof, Monk Bar Steps, Tower 32.



The Executive Member considered a report which presented him with an evidence based 5 year programme for managing repair and restoration on York City Walls.


The Executive Member commented that the city underplayed the value of its walls to the tourist economy. Officers added that the walls underpinned civic life and it was hoped that they would be enjoyed for another 2000 years.


Resolved: That the findings of the report be noted and the scheme programme be approved from 2016/2017 to 2020-2021.


Reason:   Council officers and the appointed structural engineer have identified and ranked the urgent structural defects affecting the Bar Walls. In particular three schemes have been identified for repairs this financial year, Micklegate Bar Roof, Monk Bar Steps, Tower 32.



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