Issue - meetings
Red Tower, Foss Islands Road
Meeting: 28/04/2016 - Executive (Item 143)
143 Letting of Red Tower, Foss Islands Road PDF 202 KB
This report considers the letting of the Red Tower, a building which has been vacant and unused for many years, to a community organisation for the promotion of community led local projects.
Additional documents:
Resolved: That Executive agree to let the Red Tower and part of the adjacent land to The Incredible Movement in York for a term of 30 years at a peppercorn rent.
Reason: To enable an unused council building to be utilised and improved and thereby provide a resource which will benefit the local community.
Members considered a report which set out details of a request received from The Incredible Movement in York (TIM), a voluntary community involvement group, to lease the Red Tower and adjacent land, to provide a residents meeting place and to engage with the community to promote improvement of the neighbourhood.
Officers reported on consultation undertaken and the refurbishment proposals for the building via Government funding received by TIM. In answer to the earlier speakers comments Officers also confirmed that, subject to funding, TIM intended to appoint a manager which would enable the Tower to be opened as often as possible for use and visits by the community and heritage groups.
Members expressed their support for the letting of the tower to bring a vacant building back into use for community led projects.
Consideration was given to the following options:
Option 1- Let the premises on a long lease to TIM
Option 2 – Decline to let the premises
Resolved: That Executive agree to let the Red Tower and part of the adjacent land to The Incredible Movement in York for a term of 30 years at a peppercorn rent.1.
Reason: To enable an unused council building to be utilised and improved and thereby provide a resource which will benefit the local community.