Issue - meetings

Health & Safety Resources

Meeting: 24/10/2006 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 97)

Health & Safety Resources

This report requests the Executive to release contingency funding for additional Health and Safety resources in order to improve performance and meet statutory requirements.


RESOLVED: (i)         That approval be given to the appointment of an additional Health & Safety Adviser at grade PO 3-6, on a permanent basis, to address Health and Safety issues in the Council, with funding to be provided from the contingency provision.


REASON:      To improve performance and meet statutory requirements in this area.


                        (ii)        That consideration of the post of Assistant Health & Safety Adviser be deferred to enable it to be looked at as part of the 2007/08 budget build process.


REASON:      So that the implications, in terms of reduced service provision elsewhere, can be clear.


                        (iii)       that Officers be asked to review the structure of the Health and Safety team in the Council and recommend any changes that may be necessary to ensure that outcomes are more clearly evaluated in financial terms.


REASON:      To ensure the cost effectiveness of work in this area.


Members considered a report which sought approval to release contingency funding for additional Health and Safety resources, in order to improve performance and meet statutory requirements.


The report outlined the temporary arrangements that had been in place since the departure of the Council’s Health and Safety Manager in 2004.  It was felt that these arrangements, whilst making best use of current resources, did expose the Council to some risk.  It was noted that concerns had been raised by the Health and Safety Executive following an inspection of the former Commercial Services directorate in February 2005, and that York had only just started to develop and implement a corporate policy framework.


The following options were put forward for Members’ consideration:

Option 1 – release funding from contingency to appoint an additional Health & Safety Adviser at grade PO 3-6 and an Assistant Health & Safety Adviser at Scale 6, on a permanent basis.  This was the recommended option.

Option 2 – release funding from contingency for both posts for a period of two years only.  This would enable the development of corporate priorities within two years but would remove the resource required for proactive monitoring.

Option 3 – retain the existing Health and Safety resources.  This would delay the development / implementation of corporate priorities for four years, during which period no proactive monitoring could take place across the Council.


Members agreed the importance of addressing health and safety issues but noted that the report had not explained fully the implications for the Council’s other services of increasing resources in this area.  


Having considered the comments of the Shadow Executive, it was


RESOLVED: (i)         That approval be given to the appointment of an additional Health & Safety Adviser at grade PO 3-6, on a permanent basis, to address Health and Safety issues in the Council, with funding to be provided from the contingency provision.


REASON:      To improve performance and meet statutory requirements in this area.


                        (ii)        That consideration of the post of Assistant Health & Safety Adviser be deferred to enable it to be looked at as part of the 2007/08 budget build process.


REASON:      So that the implications, in terms of reduced service provision elsewhere, can be clear.


                        (iii)       that Officers be asked to review the structure of the Health and Safety team in the Council and recommend any changes that may be necessary to ensure that outcomes are more clearly evaluated in financial terms.


REASON:      To ensure the cost effectiveness of work in this area.


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