Issue - meetings

School Crossing Improvements – Wig-Wag Review

Meeting: 12/05/2016 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 77)

77 School Crossing Patrol Improvements - Flashing Amber Warning Lights (Wig-Wags) pdf icon PDF 290 KB

This report details the review of Wig-Wags used at school crossing patrol sites across the city. It also seeks a decision on a programme of removals and replacements of Wig-Wags including moving forward with the procurement of new units under a remote management system. 


Additional documents:


Resolved: That Option (i) to approve the Wig Wag policy as described in Paragraph 20 of the Officer’s report.


o  Wig-Wags (flashing amber warning lights) in association with the school warning sign (Diag No. 545) should be used to indicate the presence of a School Crossing Patrol unless the patrol operates on a controlled crossing.


o  The lights should only be active during the patrol’s working hours.


o  Wig-Wags may be used at sites without a School Crossing Patrol in extenuating circumstances, i.e. busy city centre school site which is not easily identifiable as a school.


That approval be given for a programme of work shown in Annex A of the Officer’s report. Including approval to carry out a procurement exercise based on providing a remote management system for the control of the Wig-Wag units.


Reason:       To rationalise the use of Wig Wags in relation to the school crossing patrol service and introduce a responsive online system to manage the activation of the lights, whilst improving safety and reducing ongoing maintenance costs.







The Executive Member received a report which detailed the review of Flashing Amber Warning Lights (Wig-Wags) used at school patrol sites across the city. It sought a decision on a programme of removals and replacements of these including moving forward with the procurement of new units under a remote management system.


Resolved: (i)        That Option (i) to approve the Wig Wag policy  as described below;


o  Wig-Wags (flashing amber warning lights) in association with the school warning sign (Diag No. 545) should be used to indicate the presence of a School Crossing Patrol unless the patrol operates on a controlled crossing.


o  The lights should only be active during the patrol’s working hours.


o  Wig-Wags may be used at sites without a School Crossing Patrol in extenuating circumstances, i.e. busy city centre school site which is not easily identifiable as a school.


(ii)     That approval be given for a programme of work shown in Annex A of the Officer’s report. Including approval to carry out a procurement exercise based on providing a remote management system for the control of the Wig-Wag units.


Reason:       To rationalise the use of Wig Wags in relation to the school crossing patrol service and introduce a responsive online system to manage the activation of the lights, whilst improving safety and reducing ongoing maintenance costs.







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