Issue - meetings

Chief Executive's Monitor 2 Finance & Performance Report (2006/07)

Meeting: 11/12/2006 - Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel (Item 56)

Chief Executive's Monitor 2 Finance & Performance Report (2006/07)

This is the Chief Executive’s Directorate’s second performance monitoring report for the current year.  The report is for information purposes only, and is to inform the Executive Leader and Panel Members of progress against the directorate’s service plan actions and targets, along with the current financial position.


Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Executive Leader be advised to note the report and place on record his thanks for the work of the Chief Executive and his staff in addressing budget issues and in maintaining  good quality of service performance.


Decision of the Executive Leader


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To inform the Executive Leader on progress made against the service plan targets and budget.


Members considered a report which presented the Chief Executives Directorate’s second performance monitoring report for the current year. The report informed Members of progress against the directorates service plan actions and targets, along with the current financial position. 


Key points included :

·        A relatively stable position on the directorate and corporate performance measures (as detailed in paragraphs 8 & 10 of the report)

·        The final Local Area Agreement (LAA) will be submitted to Government office on 1st December 2006 (as detailed in paragraph 18 of the report)

·        Good progress has been made to date on the Organisational Effectiveness Programme (as detailed in paragraph 20 of the report)

·        The financial position is on target and forecast as a £12k underspend this year (as detailed in paragraph 24 of the report)


Members asked for further details on the sickness absence and stress performance figures, and were informed that the level of sickness absence is improving along with the effectiveness of monitoring sickness absence.

Members discussed the reduction in income of the Print Unit, and were informed that the service were looking at ways of increasing their income, for example preparing court bundles for Legal Services.


Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Executive Leader be advised to note the report and place on record his thanks for the work of the Chief Executive and his staff in addressing budget issues and in maintaining  good quality of service performance.


Decision of the Executive Leader


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To inform the Executive Leader on progress made against the service plan targets and budget.


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