Issue - meetings

University Road Pedestrian Crossing and Cycle Route Scheme

Meeting: 09/06/2016 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 4)

4 Review of Enhancements to the University Road Pedestrian Crossing and Cycle Route Scheme pdf icon PDF 246 KB

This report presents a review of how the scheme is currently operating following implementation of a number of enhancements in the autumn of 2015.  It also considers the relocation of the westbound bus stop into the nearby lay-by.

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Resolved:  That the findings of the report be noted and the scheme be retained in its present form.


Reason:     Council Officers and the University consider that the existing layout is improving the safety of all road users, in particular university students crossing University Road, and encouraging greater use of the new cycle route. The suggestion to relocate the bus stop into the lay-by is not supported by bus operators or the University.






The Executive Member considered a report which presented him with a review of the operation of the University Road Pedestrian and Cycle Route Scheme following a number of enhancements. It also considered the relocation of the westbound bus stop into the nearby lay-by.


Officers responded to comments made by the public speaker and by points highlighted in Councillor Aspden’s email. They stated that a zebra crossing required good visibility and they felt it would not be ideal to place it close to the bus stop.


The Executive Member commented that as there had been evidence of a slight reduction in average speeds and no accidents he was happy to approve the scheme in its present form.


Resolved: That the findings of the report be noted and the pedestrian crossing and cycle route scheme be retained in its present form.


Reason:   Council Officers and the University consider that the existing layout is improving the safety of all road users, in particular university students crossing University Road, and encouraging greater use of the new cycle route. The suggestion to relocate the bus stop into the lay-by is not supported by bus operators or the University.






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