Issue - meetings

National Service Planning Requirements for Environmental Health and Trading Standard

Meeting: 07/09/2006 - Executive Member For Neighbourhood Services and Advisory Panel (Item 21)

National Service Planning Requirements for Environmental Health and Trading Standards Services

In response to national requirements, service plans for the 2006/07 period have been produced for food law enforcement, health & safety and animal health enforcement. Approval by Members of these service plans is sought.


Members considered a report which presented service plans for the 2006/07 period for food law enforcement, health & safety and animal health enforcement.

Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Executive Member be advised to approve the service plans and that they be referred to Executive for their approval.

Decision of the Executive Member

RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and the suggested decision above be endorsed.

REASON:                  In order that the council meets the requirement of the FSA, HSC and DEFRA


Members considered a report which presented service plans for the 2006/07 period for food law enforcement, health & safety and animal health enforcement.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to approve the service plans and that they be referred to Executive for their approval.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and the suggested decision above be endorsed.


REASON:                  In order that the council meets the requirement of the FSA, HSC and DEFRA


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