Issue - meetings

Neighbourhoods Group Legal Actions

Meeting: 07/09/2006 - Executive Member For Neighbourhood Services and Advisory Panel (Item 24)

Neighbourhoods Group Legal Actions

This report informs Members of the results of legal actions (prosecutions, formal cautions and fixed penalties) undertaken by the Neighbourhoods area of the Directorate of Neighbourhood Services (Environmental Health, Trading Standards, Licensing and Street Environment Services) for the period 1st April 2006 – 30th June 2006.


Members considered a report which informed them of the results of legal actions (prosecutions, formal cautions and fixed penalties) undertaken by the Neighbourhoods area of the Directorate of Neighbourhood Services (Environmental Health, Trading Standards, Licensing and Street Environment Services) for the period 1st April 2006 – 30th June 2006.


Advice of the Advisory Panel:


That the Executive Member be advised to note the content of the report and thank the team for their efforts.


Decision of the Executive Member:


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and the suggested  decision above be endorsed.


REASON:                  To inform the Executive Member.


Members considered a report which informed them of the results of legal actions (prosecutions, formal cautions and fixed penalties) undertaken by the Neighbourhoods area of the Directorate of Neighbourhood Services (Environmental Health, Trading Standards, Licensing and Street Environment Services) for the period 1st April 2006 – 30th June 2006.


Advice of the Advisory Panel:


That the Executive Member be advised to note the content of the report and thank the team for their efforts.


Decision of the Executive Member:


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and the suggested  decision above be endorsed.


REASON:                  To inform the Executive Member.


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