Issue - meetings

Cycle Storage Facility at Lendal Bridge

Meeting: 24/10/2006 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 99)

99 Lendal Bridge Sub-Station Secure Cycle Park Feasibility Study Outcome pdf icon PDF 71 KB

This report presents the outcome of the study into whether the former Lendal Bridge Sub-Station is suitable to be converted into a secure cycle parking facility and details the options available to Members in relation to the building.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That no decision be taken on this item today but that the Executive confirms its willingness to review any new information or offers, relevant to the use of the building, that may be tabled before its next meeting.


REASON:      So that all options can be considered before a final decision is taken.


Members considered a report which presented the outcome of the study into whether the former Lendal Bridge Sub-Station was suitable for conversion into a secure cycle parking facility, as requested by the Executive on 25 July.


Details of the findings of the study, undertaken by Halcrow Group Ltd., were attached as Annex A to the report.  The study had indicated that it might be possible to convert the roof of the building to a seating area for the adjacent café, although this would be very difficult to implement.  The results of consultation on both the cycle park and the roof top café were set out in paragraph 12 of the report.


The following options were presented for Members’ consideration:

Option A – sell the building

Option B – retain the building and convert the ground floor to a cycle park with ancillary cycle-related activities

Option C – as Option B, plus further investigation of the integrity of the roof and options to enable the roof to be accessed from the café.

Option A was recommended, on the basis that the spatial and financial constraints were such that any operator would struggle to make the cycle park viable.  A private sale was likely to result in a more innovative use and would not necessarily prevent the roof conversion from taking place.


It was noted that this item had been called in.  The Executive’s decision would therefore be subject to review at the Scrutiny Management Committee to be held on Monday 30 October and a subsequent meeting of the Executive on Tuesday 31 October, unless the calling-in was withdrawn in the meantime.


Having considered the comments of the Shadow Executive, and the comments made under Public Participation on this item, it was


RESOLVED: That no decision be taken on this item today but that the Executive confirms its willingness to review any new information or offers, relevant to the use of the building, that may be tabled before its next meeting.


REASON:      So that all options can be considered before a final decision is taken.


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