Issue - meetings

27 Station Road, Copmanthorpe, York, YO23 3SY (06/01210/FUL)

Meeting: 17/08/2006 - West & City Centre Area Planning Sub-Committee (Item 19)

27 Station Road, Copmanthorpe, York, YO23 3SY (06/01210/FUL)


Members considered a full application, submitted by Mr Stericker for the erection of a conservatory to the side of the property.


Officers updated the committee that Copmanthorpe Parish Council had added 2 further objections in that the tabled application went against the intention of the original application and that the application site is lower that the neighbouring property so the level of overlooking was felt to be unacceptable.


Mr Longhorn, a neighbour, addressed the committee and raised the following objections, overlooking due to the site levels, opposition to the insertion of additions windows/openings that had been referenced in the decision in 2005, the application was further forward to the boundary and suggested that the conservatory would be more appropriately sited at the rear of the site rather than at the side.


Mr Steriker, the applicant addressed the committee to stress the merits of the application including that the conservatory would not impact an any neighbours line of sight and would not be intrusive but would facilitate their enjoyment of their own house and garden.


RESOLVED:             That the application be refused.


REASON:                  On the grounds of proximity to the boundary wall, overlooking and harm to the amenity of the neighbours.


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