Issue - meetings

Warehouse 83A Front Street, York, Y024 3BR (06/01261/FULM)

Meeting: 17/08/2006 - West & City Centre Area Planning Sub-Committee (Item 19)

19 Warehouse 83A Front Street, York, Y024 3BR (06/01261/FULM) pdf icon PDF 55 KB

Additional documents:


Members considered a full application, submitted by Corner Developments (Faxton) Ltd for the conversion of chapel to 10 no. residential apartments, external alterations including new front canopy, new and replacement windows, bin and cycle stores (resubmission).


Officers updated the committee and emphasised that though the building is not listed it did have an important contribution to make to the character if the conservation area and also informed Members that there were some amendments to the conditions as detailed below:


That “and material be added to the end of 3ii/ and that the following be added at “3v. Bin and Cycle Store”.


That condition 4 of the report be replaced with the following:


4. Details of all means of enclosure to the site boundaries and the internal walls/fences to the proposed patio areas, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA before the development commences and provided before the development is occupied.  Thereafter the agreed walling shall not be lowered or breached without prior written consent from PLA.


That condition ( of the report be amended to ARCH2.


That condition 13 of the report be replaced with the following:


13. Notwithstanding the information submitted with the application, before the installation of any window in the development, agreement shall be reached in writing with the Local Planning Authority to identify whose windows and rooflights where obscured glazing is required, and the extent and detailed design of the obscured glazing and the means of opening for the respective windows to be provided.  The approved scheme shall then be retained in place at all times.


Reason:            To protect the privacy and amenities of adjoining residents.


And that the following conditions be added:


18. Notwithstanding the information submitted with the application, the height of the wall, to be retained in relation to finished levels in the patio area, following the partial demolition of the building at the rear of the site, shall be agreed in writing with the LPA before the commencement of works upon the site.


Reason:          To ensure adequate privacy for the residents of Chapel Terrace.


19. HWAY 29 (no outward opening gate)


20. Notwithstanding the information submitted with the application, prior to the commencement of works upon the site, a revised plan shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the LPA for the layout of cycle parking/bin stores on the western boundary of the application site.


Reason:  To achieve a layout that is convenient to use for residents and to achieve a satisfactory appearance.


Mrs Kadis, a neighbour, addressed the committee and raised concerns about the window scheme that would overlook her property and general concerns about parking pressures.  


RESOLVED: That, the application be approved in line with the conditions and informatives in the report and the replacement conditions and amendments listed above.


REASON:            That the proposal complies with Policy E4 of the North Yorkshire County Structure Plan (Alteration No.3 Adopted 1995) and Policies GP1, GP4A, GP13, HE2, HE3, HE4A, HE5A, L1C, ED4 and S9 of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 19


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