Issue - meetings
The York Children and Young Persons’ Fund
Meeting: 17/03/2016 - Executive (Item 129)
129 York Children and Young People's Fund PDF 204 KB
This report proposes the establishment of a new fund for the benefit of Children and Young People within the City of York, to be managed by the Two Ridings Community Foundation.
Additional documents:
Resolved: That the Executive agree:
(i) To transfer the funds identified in paragraph 4of the report, subject to the agreement of the Charity Commission and of any trustees external to the Council where applicable, to a new “York Children and Young People’s Fund,” to be managed by Two Ridings Community Foundation (TRCF);
(ii) To authorise officers to enter into the necessary legal agreements with TRCF to establish the new fund.
Reason: To create an effective fund for the benefit of children and young people in York.
Members considered a report which proposed the establishment of a new fund for the benefit of Children and Young People within the City of York to be managed by the Two Ridings Community Foundation.
Members noted that the Council held a number of funds in trust, as a result of bequests and investments, many of which were now dormant. Following a review, funds had been identified that fell into this category and in order to make the most of these it was proposed to transfer them to a new small grants scheme to be known as the York Children and Young People’s Fund.
Officers confirmed that, following approval, the Two Ridings Community Foundation would continue to identify possible sources of additional funding for community benefit.
The Executive Member highlighted the increased extent of the new Fund as set out at paragraph 16 of the report.
Consideration was then given to the following options in relation to the funds:
(i)To continue as at present, with the various funds continuing to be dormant or ineffective with no community benefit
(ii) To seek new arrangements with the Charity Commission to update the purpose of the funds and enable them to be distributed again
(iii) To transfer the funds identified to TRCF who will act as trustee and manage a new “York Children and Young People’s Fund” for distribution broadly in line with the funds’ original objective.
Resolved: That the Executive agree:
(i) To transfer the funds identified in paragraph 4 of the report, subject to the agreement of the Charity Commission and of any trustees external to the Council where applicable, to a new “York Children and Young People’s Fund,” to be managed by Two Ridings Community Foundation (TRCF);
(ii) To authorise officers to enter into the necessary legal agreements with TRCF to establish the new fund. 1.
Reason: To create an effective fund for the benefit of children and young people in York.