Issue - meetings

Monkgate Parking Changes

Meeting: 11/02/2016 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 50)

50 Monkgate Parking Changes pdf icon PDF 149 KB

This report summarises the response to a recent consultation and Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) advertisement regarding proposed changes to the parking layout on Monkgate.

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Resolved: (i)   Approve the parking proposals as shown in Annex A but take into account the changes that may come about as a result of the procurement from the Parking Review report that is considered by Executive.


(ii)  That the installation of cycle parking stands in the two parking spaces on the south side of Monkgate be approved.


Reason:   To enhance road safety by improving visibility for drivers emerging on to Monkgate.


The Executive Member considered a report which asked him to approve changes to the parking layout on Monkgate.


Officers reported that they endorsed calls from Councillor Looker to revisit parking zones in Monkgate and the Groves and comments made by Paul Bushnell about double parking. This particular issue had not been brought to their attention before. They also stated that they had to balance the use of the road by various users. They also informed the Executive Member that a report into a Parking Review at a city wide level which would be considered at the next Executive meeting, would look into various options for residents parking across the city.


Resolved: (i)     Approve the parking proposals as shown in Annex A noting the changes that may come about as a result of the procurement from the Parking Review report that is considered by Executive.


(ii)  That the installation of cycle parking stands in the two parking spaces on the south side of Monkgate be approved.


Reason:   To enhance road safety by improving visibility for drivers emerging on to Monkgate.


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