Issue - meetings

Shepherd Homes Ltd, 89 The Mount, York, YO24 1BL (06/01341/FULM)

Meeting: 01/08/2006 - West & City Centre Area Planning Sub-Committee (Item 14)

Shepherd Homes Ltd, 89 The Mount, York, YO24 1BL (06/01341/FULM)


Members considered a full application for use as a hotel including single storey and two storey pitched roof extensions (with rooms in the roof) and erection of new two storey (with rooms in the roof) pitched roof bedroom block, submitted by Stephen Rodwell.


Officers updated the committee that they had received an additional concern from a resident regarding noise and disturbance from deliveries, but that there were already proposed conditions to restrict delivery times.


Officers also informed the committee that Condition 17 needed to be replaced with a condition requiring the submission of a detailed methods of works statement.


Mr Gill addressed the committee in support of the application but requested safeguards on noise and privacy, in particular that deliveries did not start until 8.00am instead of 7.30am, and that lighting be kept at a low level to reduce glare.


Mr Phillips, the agent for the applicant, addressed the committee in support of the item and confirmed that they could manage deliveries being received after 8am and agreed that lighting could be kept at a low level so as not to shine into neighbours’ or residents’ windows.


The meeting was adjourned for 5 minutes to investigate what licensing conditions had been imposed on the site in relation to outside events and entertainment. Officers then updated the committee on the conditions that had been imposed by the licensing sub-committee on the premises.


Cllr Macdonald subsequently moved and Cllr Horton seconded a motion to remove condition 25 and on being put to the vote the motion was declared lost.



That the application be approved in accordance with the conditions and informatives outlined in the report with the exception of the following:


(i)                 Condition 17 be replace with the following: “Prior to the commencement of any works on site, a detailed method of works statement shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the local planning authority. This statement shall include the precautions to be taken to ensure the safety of the general public, the method of securing the site, access to the site and the route to be taken by vehicles transporting the demolition and construction material, and the hours during which demolition, construction and deliveries to and from the site will be permitted”.

(ii)               Condition 19 be amended to replace “within six months of” with “three months prior to”.

(iii)             Condition 23 be amended to replace 0730 with 0800 hours.

(iv)              Condition 25 be amended to delete “unless first agreed in writing with the local planning authority”.

(v)                Condition 26 be amended to include the additional sentence “Any lighting at the rear of the building shall consist of low level down lighters only so as not to cause glare or nuisance to the occupiers of adjacent residential properties”.

(vi)              The first paragraph of the Demolition and Construction Informative be amended to read “The developers attention is drawn to the various requirements for the control of noise on construction sites laid down in the Control of Pollution Act 1974, as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14


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