Issue - meetings
Meeting: 26/07/2006 - Equality Advisory Group (Item 4)
This report informs the Social Inclusion Working Group of the budget allocated for its work and invites the Group to consider how this can be most effectively used.
Members considered a report which invited them to consider how the budget allocated to social inclusion issues could most effectively be used.
The budget allocation was £7,240. It was suggested that this could be used to make meetings more accessible and inclusive, support engagement within the wider community, facilitate forum meetings or support initiatives prioritised by the Group. It was explained that, technically, the Group could not make budgetary decisions and the Equalities Officer had control of the budget allocation. However, his decisions would be guided by the Group’s advice.
Members discussed the approach they should take to advising on the use of the budget and whether more funds were likely to be needed. It was agreed that a structured approach was needed and that it would not be appropriate to seek further funding until concrete proposals for spending the current allocation had been developed.
RESOLVED: (i) That the Group develop specific proposals, with defined outcomes, for spending the budget allocation.
(ii) That the Equalities Officer, when writing to community groups to invite their nominations, also invite them to bring suggestions to the next meeting as to how the budget might be used to help them engage effectively in the Group’s work.