Issue - meetings

Traffic Systems Asset Renewal Plan

Meeting: 12/11/2015 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 28)

28 Traffic Systems Asset Renewal Plan pdf icon PDF 473 KB

This report presents a plan for structured renewals of traffic signals across the city, which a recent asset condition assessment has shown are in need of significant investment.



Resolved:           That the Executive Member:


(i)Approved the commencement of the Traffic Asset Renewal Programme as outlined in the report.


Reason:              To ensure the City traffic signals equipment is up to date and the costs and risks to the Council of maintaining an increasingly aged asset are mitigated.


(ii)          Approved the continuation of the current programme of provision of new detector equipment.


Reason:              To ensure effective and reliable detection equipment is provided at traffic signal junctions in York for the benefit of road users.







The Executive Member considered a report which presented a plan for structured renewals of traffic signals across the city, which a recent asset condition assessment had shown are in need of significant investment.


Officers outlined the report and advised that there was a significant backlog in the maintenance of traffic signal equipment in the city and that extra funds required to complete the work would be drawn from the Council’s Local Transport Plan Integrated Block Capital allocation.


The Executive Member was pleased to note the work to be undertaken on the Traffic Signal Detector Equipment and the benefits this would bring towards improving traffic congestion in the city.


Resolved:           That the Executive Member:


(i)Approved the commencement of the Traffic Asset Renewal Programme as outlined in the report.


Reason:              To ensure the City traffic signals equipment is up to date and the costs and risks to the Council of maintaining an increasingly aged asset are mitigated.


(ii)          Approved the continuation of the current programme of provision of new detector equipment.


Reason:              To ensure effective and reliable detection equipment is provided at traffic signal junctions in York for the benefit of road users.







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