Issue - meetings

Stockton Lane - Speed Management Scheme

Meeting: 12/11/2015 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 26)

26 Stockton Lane - Speed Management Scheme pdf icon PDF 168 KB

This report seeks approval for the implementation of cycle lanes on Stockton Lane between its junction with Lime Avenue and Greenfield Park Drive as shown in Annex B of the report. To reduce speeds following the receipt of a speed complaint from local residents.


Additional documents:


Resolved:           That the Executive Member:


Approved the scheme as proposed in Annex B for implementation.


Reason:              To introduce measures to reduce speeds on Stockton Lane following the receipt of a speed complaint from local residents.



The Executive Member considered a report which sought approval for the implementation of cycle lanes on Stockton Lane between its junction with Lime Avenue and Greenfield Park Drive to reduce speeds following the receipt of speed complaints from local residents.


Officers outlined the report and advised that following a consultation, 6 objections to the scheme were received out of 116 responses. The scheme would be the first attempt to tackle speeding in the area and once implemented it would be monitored and the speed survey repeated to measure effectiveness.


The Executive Member was happy to approve the scheme with the understanding that if it did not have the required impact then officers would look at an alternative intervention.


Resolved:           That the Executive Member:


Approved the scheme as proposed in Annex B for implementation.


Reason:              To introduce measures to reduce speeds on Stockton Lane following the receipt of a speed complaint from local residents.



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