Issue - meetings

Public Rights of Way - Proposal to restrict public rights over the alleyways between Barbican Road/Willis Street, Willis Street/Gordon Street and Gordon Street/Wolsley Street, Fishergate Ward, using Public Spaces Protection Order legislation

Meeting: 12/11/2015 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 24)

24 Public Rights of Way - Proposal to restrict public rights over the alleyways between Barbican Road/Willis Street, Willis Street/Gordon Street and Gordon Street/Wolsley Street, Fishergate Ward, using Public Spaces Protection Order legislation pdf icon PDF 216 KB

This report outlines a number of Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) which have been requested by Safer York Partnership (SYP).  The report provides details of the public consultations which have been carried out and the subsequent results. The Executive Member is asked to make the decision as to whether or not to seal these draft PSPOs.

Additional documents:


Resolved:           That the Executive Member:


Agreed to abandon the schemes.


Reason:              Though the majority of respondents are in favour of the Alleygating scheme, the results of the waste collection consultation have shown that changing collections could be problematic.


The Executive Member considered a report which outlined a proposal to restrict public rights over the alleyways between Barbican Road/Willis Street, Willis Street/Gordon Street and Gordon Street/Wolsley Street, Fishergate Ward, using Public Spaces Protection Order legislation.


The Executive Member commented that he didn’t feel there was enough evidence to act on the proposals to alleygate the streets, he also took into consideration the comments made by residents about waste collection with only a small majority stating they would be happy with presenting waste to the front of their properties.



Resolved:           That the Executive Member:


Agreed to abandon the schemes.


Reason:              Though the majority of respondents are in favour of the Alleygating scheme, the results of the waste collection consultation have shown that changing collections could be problematic.


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