Issue - meetings
Park & Ride Procurement
Meeting: 24/09/2015 - Executive (Item 57)
57 Park & Ride Bus Contract Options PDF 154 KB
This report examines options for the delivery of the Park and Ride service after the end of the current contract in February 2017. Members are asked to decide on the principles for the specification for the service and delivery methodology to enable a contract to be prepared to operate the service for the next 8 years.
Additional documents:
- Annex A - Background information, item 57 PDF 111 KB
- Annex B - Park and Ride study, item 57 PDF 134 KB
- Annex C 2008 Specification, item 57 PDF 308 KB
- Annex D Specification Options, item 57 PDF 113 KB
Resolved: That the Executive approve;
(i) The proposed specification principles and contract arrangements for the Park and Ride service under the terms detailed in Option 2 of the report.
(ii) The procurement of the Park and Ride service to the timescales detailed at Paragraph 42 of the report.
(iii) The undertaking of a review of the removal of stops along the Fulford Road - Park and Ride route to ensure access to local bus services for residents, within a suitable time frame.
Reason: (i) To enable an improved service to be provided with the highest opportunity of an increased income to the council.
(ii) To ensure the service is procured in accordance with the financial regulations.
(iii) In order to review the bus services along Fulford Road into the city.
Consideration was given to a report which examined options for the delivery of the Park and Ride service at the end of the current contract in February 2017. Members were asked to consider the principles for the specification for the service and delivery methodology to enable a contract to be prepared for operation for the next 8 years.
Officers confirmed the Council’s bid to the Government’s Low Emission Bus Scheme to support the purchase of ultra low emission vehicles (ULE) to be operated on the Park and Ride service. In particular, Members would be asked to decide which standard of bus best met the Council’s requirements.
The Executive Member highlighted some of the enhanced specification items of the contract including overnight parking at one or more sites and late evening operation to assist the early evening economy. He also confirmed that consideration would be given to services stopping at intermediate stops during the early evening and Sundays and where stops were not covered by other services.
Other Members expressed their broad support for the proposals and suggested wider consultation and the inclusion of intermediate stops on Shipton and Fulford Roads. A request was also made for the core specification to include zero emission vehicles to assist with air quality, integrated ticketing and index linking of parking charges to rise with those of the Park and Ride services.
Following further discussion, consideration was given to the following options:
1. Provision of services on a commercial basis with a fixed licence fee paid to the Council to secure access rights to the Park and Ride sites;
2. Continuation of the present system that has a fixed licence fee with revenue sharing between the Council and the operator dependent on variations in patronage;
3. A contractual arrangement under which the council would take the revenue risk (and income) with the operator providing the specified service at a fixed price.
Resolved: That the Executive approve;
(i) The proposed specification principles and contract arrangements for the Park and Ride service under the terms detailed in Option 2 of the report.
(ii) The procurement of the Park and Ride service to the timescales detailed at Paragraph 42 of the report.
(iii) The undertaking of a review of the removal of stops along the Fulford Road - Park and Ride route to ensure access to local bus services for residents, within a suitable time frame. 1.
Reason: (i) To enable an improved service to be provided with the highest opportunity of an increased income to the council.
(ii) To ensure the service is procured in accordance with the financial regulations.
(iii) In order to review the bus services along Fulford Road into the city.