Issue - meetings

"A" Boards

Meeting: 27/08/2015 - Executive (Item 43)

43 Advertising Boards ("A" Boards) and Other Equipment on the Public Highway pdf icon PDF 135 KB

This report advises the Executive of two options, with regards to “A” Boards and other materials used to promote primarily private businesses across the city.


Additional documents:


Resolved:  That the Executive agree to request:

(i)    That Officers prepare a Consultation Draft Policy to include a formal licensing arrangement for A Boards in accordance with strict criteria, (this being consistent with the earlier Cabinet resolution)  and commence a consultation exercise on the Draft Policy over forthcoming months;

(ii)   That such consultation to be focused to provide engagement with representatives of the business community, in particular retail groups and the Business Improvement District and also representatives of those who are blind and partially sighted, those with mobility issues such as charities/groups including the RNIB, Guide Dogs and York specific groups, such as York Blind and Partially Sighted Society;

(iii) That a further report be brought to the Executive later in the year to present the findings of this consultation and a recommended Final Draft Policy, together with estimated financial implications of implementation and enforcement. At this next stage the Final Draft Policy will have been the subject of a full Equalities Impact Assessment and consultation process, before being recommended to Members for approval. 

Reason:   To provide adequate control of the many and varied obstructions (particularly for those with impaired mobility for example, blind and/or partially sighted) temporarily located on the public highway. This taking into account of the Council’s responsibilities under the Highways Act 1980, the Equality Act 2010 and Town & Country Planning Act 1990. To contribute further to the removal of street clutter, improve the street scene and public realm.



The Executive considered the report of the Director of City and Environmental Services (CES) in relation to advertising boards and other equipment on the public highway used to promote primarily private businesses across the city.


Members noted the work of the previous scrutiny review on the subject and their recommendation, agreed by Cabinet to request the Director of CES to prepare guidelines for the use of A-Boards across the city, in consultation with interested parties.

Consideration was also given to a recent letter from the Royal National Institute for the Blind, who campaigned for a zero tolerance approach to A Boards, at Annex D of the report, in which they offered to work with the Council to develop a policy which would give some flexibility.

Officers presented the report and the following options:

Option 1 – Zero Tolerance.

Option 2 – Prepare a Draft Policy and consult appropriate bodies.

The Executive Member confirmed his support for the need for a regulated approach, owing to the proliferation of boards around the city but he highlighted the need for a balance between highway users and businesses.

Resolved:  That the Executive agree to request:

(i)    That Officers prepare a Consultation Draft Policy to include a formal licensing arrangement for A Boards in accordance with strict criteria, (this being consistent with the earlier Cabinet resolution)  and commence a consultation exercise on the Draft Policy over forthcoming months;

(ii)   That such consultation to be focused to provide engagement with representatives of the business community, in particular retail groups and the Business Improvement District and also representatives of those who are blind and partially sighted, those with mobility issues such as charities/groups including the RNIB, Guide Dogs and York specific groups, such as York Blind and Partially Sighted Society; 1.

(iii) That a further report be brought to the Executive later in the year to present the findings of this consultation and a recommended Final Draft Policy, together with estimated financial implications of implementation and enforcement. At this next stage the Final Draft Policy will have been the subject of a full Equalities Impact Assessment and consultation process, before being recommended to Members for approval. 2.

Reason:   To provide adequate control of the many and varied obstructions (particularly for those with impaired mobility for example, blind and/or partially sighted) temporarily located on the public highway. This taking into account of the Council’s responsibilities under the Highways Act 1980, the Equality Act 2010 and Town & Country Planning Act 1990. To contribute further to the removal of street clutter, improve the street scene and public realm.



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