Issue - meetings

Temporary Accommodation Agreement

Meeting: 25/08/2015 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Finance and Major Projects (Item 10)

10 Alterations to the Temporary Accommodation Agreement pdf icon PDF 172 KB

The Executive Member is asked to approve the changes to the temporary accommodation agreement in light of legal advice and changes in case law.


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Resolved: That option 2 be approved:-


To make the changes to the temporary accommodation agreement for existing and future residents.


Reason:  This will enable the service to manage temporary accommodation well and efficiently, to the benefit of the customers and the staff in the service. This will reduce wasteful use of staff time in contesting legal arguments in situations where customers should have left the site.



The Executive Member considered a report that asked him to approve the changes to the temporary accommodation agreement in light of legal advice and changes in case law.


Officers gave an update and emphasized the challenges they currently faced and highlighted how the suggested changes to the temporary accommodation agreement would reduce lengthy and expensive court cases.


Resolved: That option 2 be approved:-


To make the changes to the temporary accommodation agreement for existing and future residents.


Reason:  This will enable the service to manage temporary    accommodation well and efficiently, to the benefit of the customers and the staff in the service. This will reduce wasteful use of staff time in contesting legal arguments in situation where customers should have left the site.



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