Issue - meetings
Askham Lane - Petition for Crossing
Meeting: 23/07/2015 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 11)
11 Askham Lane - Petition for Crossing PDF 304 KB
The purpose of this report is to consider a 174 signature petition requesting City of York Council to establish a pedestrian crossing on Askham Lane in the vicinity of Westfield School.
Resolved: That Option 1 be approved i.e. to investigate the feasibility of a pedestrian crossing across Askham Lane in the vicinity of Westfield School.
Reason: To determine whether a pedestrian crossing would be appropriate at this location and, if so, how this would be achieved both in terms of design and funding.
The Executive Member considered a report which presented a 174 signature petition requesting that the Council establish a pedestrian crossing on Askham Lane in the vicinity of Westfield School.
Consideration was given to the following options:
Option 1: Investigate whether a formal crossing was appropriate and if so, undertake feasibility work to determine how to deliver such a scheme. This work would include consultation with affected parties and identification of a funding source. If a feasible scheme was identified a further report would be brought to an Executive Member Decision Session for consideration.
Option 2: Note the petition but take no further action.
Resolved: That Option 1 be approved i.e. to investigate the
feasibility of a pedestrian crossing across Askham Lane in the vicinity of Westfield School.
Reason: To determine whether a pedestrian crossing would be
appropriate at this location and if so, how this would be
achieved both in terms of design and funding.