Issue - meetings

Holiday Pay and Overtime

Meeting: 30/07/2015 - Executive (Item 29)

29 Holiday Pay and Overtime pdf icon PDF 123 KB

This report presents Members with the pay and process implications relating to the calculation of holiday pay for non contractual overtime and additional hours earned.  Members are asked to agree the rate and mechanism relating to Holiday Pay to be applied from 1 August 2015.

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Resolved: That the Executive agree to:


(i)           The proposed calculation of holiday pay to be applied to all non contractual overtime and additional hours worked at a rate of 7.6923% of additional non contractual earnings effective from 1st August 2015.


(ii)          Any future statutorily imposed rate change for the deduction of holiday pay in relation to non-contractual overtime/additional hours will be implemented by the Director of Customer & Business Support Services.


Reason:     To ensure Members are aware of the implications of changes to holiday pay for non contractual overtime and additional hours worked.



Members considered a report which presented them with details of the pay and process implications relating to the calculation of holiday pay for non contractual overtime and additional hours earned, arising from recent Employment Tribunal decisions.


Officers confirmed that the approach taken by the Council in relation to back-dated claims made to date had been to calculate the additional holiday pay entitlement as a percentage of non contractual earnings and calculated as 7.6923%. In answer to earlier speaker’s comments Officers confirmed that the Community Impact Assessment was correct in that there was no discrimination and that every employee was treated fairly.


Following further discussion the following options on pay rates were considered:


·     To pay the rate based on CYC previous claims experience and a rate set by another local authority as outlined in paragraphs 8 and 14).

·     To pay a higher rate, but there is no evidence base on which to base a decision on a higher rate.  Any higher rate would have a greater impact on the council’s financial position and on funding for front line services.


Resolved: That the Executive agree to:


(i)           The proposed calculation of holiday pay to be applied to all non contractual overtime and additional hours worked at a rate of 7.6923% of additional non contractual earnings effective from 1st August 2015. 1.


(ii)          Any future statutorily imposed rate change for the deduction of holiday pay in relation to non-contractual overtime/additional hours will be implemented by the Director of Customer & Business Support Services. 2.


Reason:     To ensure Members are aware of the implications of changes to holiday pay for non contractual overtime and additional hours worked.



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