Issue - meetings

Improvements to "Back Park" play area in Carnot Street

Meeting: 05/09/2006 - Executive Member For Leisure, Culture and Social Inclusion and Advisory Panel (Item 12)

Response to a Petition seeking improvements to "Back Park" play area in Carnot Street

This report provides a response to a petition presented by Councillor Simpson-Laing at Council on 11th April 2006 on behalf of local residents seeking improvements to "Back Park" play area in Carnot Street.  Since the petition was presented to Council the issue has been considered by the local Ward Committee and made certain recommendations.


Members considered a report which provided a response to a petition on behalf of local residents seeking improvements to ‘Back Park’ play area in Carnot Street.


The petition highlighted the concerns of local residents that the site had an uncertain future and that any building on the site would result in the loss of the only trees in the area.  The petition requested that the site remained a recreation area, that the Council worked to provide a clean safe area where children could play and ride their bikes and that it be designated as an alcohol Exclusion Zone backed by the Police.


A three stage response to the petition had previously been agreed by the Holgate Ward Committee:


·         An immediate clean up and installation of children’s games on the tarmac area for the summer holidays.

·         Mid term - removal of the damaged football superstructure, a reduction in the height of the wall and installation of an improved play surface.

·         Long term – future development governed by wider Council priorities and ambitions for the area.


The report detailed the site’s maintenance schedule which was the standard regime for all play areas across the city and included the costs involved with renewing the surface with a new multi-games area.  It was noted that there was no Council capital programme available to fund that work.


Members were informed that an Alcohol Restriction Order had since been adopted by the Council on 1 March 2006  and that there were still some instances of alcohol consumption on the site but that the Police were supporting the restriction order with the aid of local residents.


Members were keen to pursue the idea of a resident management committee following a suggestion that the Ward committee consult with residents on the future use of the site and the repair work required to create a sustainable play area.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to


i.        Agree to the formation of a resident management committee  

ii.      Agree to the ward committee consulting with residents on the removal of the damaged football infrastructure and future play options for the site

iii.    Note that there are no immediate plans to redevelop the site for other use and, should this happen in the future, any alternative use of the site would be subject to consultation and subject to the formal planning process.

iv.     Note the concerns of local residents about the cleanliness of the area.

v.       Note that an Alcohol Restriction Order was already in operation


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:    That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed


REASON:         To update the Executive Member and progress maintenance work in that area


Members considered a report which provided a response to a petition on behalf of local residents seeking improvements to ‘Back Park’ play area in Carnot Street.


The petition highlighted the concerns of local residents that the site had an uncertain future and that any building on the site would result in the loss of the only trees in the area.  The petition requested that the site remained a recreation area, that the Council worked to provide a clean safe area where children could play and ride their bikes and that it be designated as an alcohol Exclusion Zone backed by the Police.


A three stage response to the petition had previously been agreed by the Holgate Ward Committee:


·         An immediate clean up and installation of children’s games on the tarmac area for the summer holidays.

·         Mid term - removal of the damaged football superstructure, a reduction in the height of the wall and installation of an improved play surface.

·         Long term – future development governed by wider Council priorities and ambitions for the area.


The report detailed the site’s maintenance schedule which was the standard regime for all play areas across the city and included the costs involved with renewing the surface with a new multi-games area.  It was noted that there was no Council capital programme available to fund that work.


Members were informed that an Alcohol Restriction Order had since been adopted by the Council on 1 March 2006  and that there were still some instances of alcohol consumption on the site but that the Police were supporting the restriction order with the aid of local residents.


Members were keen to pursue the idea of a resident management committee following a suggestion that the Ward committee consult with residents on the future use of the site and the repair work required to create a sustainable play area.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to


i.        Agree to the formation of a resident management committee  

ii.      Agree to the ward committee consulting with residents on the removal of the damaged football infrastructure and future play options for the site

iii.    Note that there are no immediate plans to redevelop the site for other use and, should this happen in the future, any alternative use of the site would be subject to consultation and subject to the formal planning process.

iv.     Note the concerns of local residents about the cleanliness of the area.

v.       Note that an Alcohol Restriction Order was already in operation


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:    That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed


REASON:         To update the Executive Member and progress maintenance work in that area


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