Issue - meetings

Financial Strategy 2015-2020

Meeting: 10/02/2015 - Executive (Item 107)

Financial Strategy 2015-2020


Resolved:           That Cabinet, having considered;

·               Expenditure pressures facing the council as set out in the report

·               Impacts of savings proposals set out in annexes 3a to 3d of the report

·               Medium term financial factors facing the council as outlined in the report

·               Projected levels of reserves as set out in the report

·               Statutory advice from the Director of Customer and Business Support Services

It be

Recommended:    (i)    That Council approve the budget proposals as outlined in the report, in particular;

·               The net revenue expenditure requirement of £119.760m

·               A Council Tax requirement of £72.736m

·               The revenue growth proposals as outlined in the body of the report

·               The revenue savings proposals as outlined in Annex 3a to 3d of the report

·               The fees and charges proposals as outlined in Annex 5

·               The Housing Revenue Account budget set out in Annex 6

·               The dedicated schools grant proposals outlined in paragraphs 120 to 128 of the report.

(ii)    To note that the Government had allocated an additional £162k within the final grant settlement announced on 4 February, after the Cabinet papers had been published. It was recommended that this should be allocated to the general contingency budget, the effect of this would be:

·        new growth item of £162k in respect of general contingency

·        increase in grant funding of £162k

·        increase in net revenue expenditure of £162k, from £119.598m to £119.760m.


(iii)   That Council note the effect of approving the income and expenditure proposals included in the recommendations would result in no increase in the City of York Council element of the council tax.

Reason:     (i & iii) To ensure a legally balanced budget is set.

(ii)       The final grant settlement was announced on 4 February after publication of the Cabinet report.




[See also Part A minute]


Members considered a report which presented the financial strategy for 2015 to 2020, including detailed revenue budget proposals for 2015/16 for Council approval. Members were informed that the final Local Government Finance Settlement had been announced, following publication of the Cabinet agenda, which provided an additional allocation of £162k the effect of which would be:

·          new growth item of £162k in respect of general contingency

·          increase in grant funding of £162k

·          increase in net revenue expenditure of £162k, from £119.598m to £119.760m.


Details of the amended recommendations, as a result of the additional allocation, had been circulated at the meeting and republished online.


It was noted that the financial strategy delivered a balanced budget for 2015/16 with savings totalling £11.9m and a proposed Council Tax freeze for 2015/16. The total council tax increase including the Parish, Police and Fire Authority precepts, would be agreed at the full Council meeting on 26 February 2015.


Details of the national context and the local issues and challenges were reported with the steps the Council was taking to enable itself, residents and communities to work together to meet their future needs and priorities.


Members referred to the continuing challenges the Council faced  with an increasing demand for services and the need to ensure the budget was both prudent and protected vulnerable people. It was confirmed that priority had been given to funding areas highlighted by resident’s during recent consultation and that staff would be fully engaged during future rewiring projects.


Resolved:           That Cabinet, having considered;

·               Expenditure pressures facing the council as set out in the report

·               Impacts of savings proposals set out in annexes 3a to 3d of the report

·               Medium term financial factors facing the council as outlined in the report

·               Projected levels of reserves as set out in the report

·               Statutory advice from the Director of Customer and Business Support Services

It be

Recommended:    (i)    That Council approve the budget proposals as outlined in the report, and in particular;

                                                             a.          The net revenue expenditure requirement of £119.760m, having been adjusted by a further £162k, following receipt of the final grant settlement


                                                             b.          A Council Tax requirement of £72.736m


                                                             c.          The revenue growth proposals as outlined in the body of the report


                                                             d.          The additional revenue growth of £162k, as a result of the final grant settlement


                                                             e.          The revenue savings proposals as outlined in Annex 3a to 3d


                                                               f.          The fees and charges proposals as outlined in Annex 5


                                                             g.          The Housing Revenue Account budget set out in Annex 6


                                                             h.          The dedicated schools grant proposals outlined in paragraphs 120 to 128.


(ii)    That Council note the effect of approving the income and expenditure proposals included in the recommendations would result in no increase in the City of York Council element of the council tax. 1.


Reason:     To ensure a legally balanced budget is set.



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