Issue - meetings

Transfer of the Social Care Welfare Benefits Function from Resources Directorate to Housing and Adult Social Services Directorate

Meeting: 17/07/2006 - Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services Advisory Panel (Item 17)

Transfer of the Social Care Welfare Benefits Function from Resources Directorate to Housing and Adult Social Services Directorate

This report seeks approval for the transfer of management responsibility for the social care welfare benefits function from the Resources Directorate to the Directorate of Housing & Social Services.


(i)      That Option 2 be approved, with the resulting transfer of the management of the benefits advice function from the Resources Directorate to the Housing & Adult Social Services Directorate.


Members received a report which sought approval for the transfer of management responsibility for the social care welfare benefits function from the Resources Directorate to the Directorate of Housing & Adult Social Services.  This followed the first stage of a review of the discretionary charging system undertaken jointly by the two Directorates.


The current system for administering discretionary charging had three key components, each of which was separately managed and utilised different information and data systems:

·        Provision of welfare benefits checks and advice, and gathering of information for financial assessments, carried out by the Benefit Advice section of the Resources Directorate;

·        Management of financial assessments, carried out by the Corporate Services section of the Housing & Adult Social Services Directorate;

·        Reconciliation of the level of provision with the assessed charge in order to send invoices to customers, carried out by the Charging Unit in the Adult Services section of the Housing & Adult Social Services Directorate.


The report presented the following options for consideration:

·        Option 1 – To retain the current structure;

·        Option 2 - To manage all components in one section;

·        Option 3 – To combine financial assessment and charging functions.


It was noted that the first bullet point of paragraph 21 contained a typographical error and should read, “There is a risk to the advantages gained by linking the welfare benefit function of the discretionary charges with Council’s Resources team responsible for benefit advice”.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for Adult Social Services be advised:


(i)         That Option 2 be approved, with the resulting transfer of the management of the benefits advice function from the Resources Directorate to the Housing & Adult Social Services Directorate.


Decision of the Executive Member for Adult Social Services


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel as set out above be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the service.


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