Issue - meetings

The Remit and Future Work of the Young People’s Working Group

Meeting: 13/07/2006 - Young People's Working Group (Item 7)

The Remit and Future Work of the Young People’s Working Group

This report informs Members of the decision taken by the Executive Member for Children’s Services and Advisory Panel to approve a remit for the Young People’s Working Group, including arrangements for dealing with the Group’s future work plan.


Members considered a report which advised them of the remit for the Young People’s Working Group approved by the Executive Members for Children’s Services, including arrangements for dealing with the Group’s future work plan.


The remit had been considered at a meeting of the Executive Members for Children’s Services and Advisory Panel (EMAP) on 8 June 2006, as part of a report entitled “Voice and Influence”.  The Executive Members had agreed details of the work areas on which the Group should focus its activities, that the Group should have regular Officer support through the Youth Service and that it should meet on a quarterly basis, to allow time for the provision of high quality support.  Details of the agreed proposals were set out in paragraph 3 of the report.  Draft minutes of the EMAP meeting were attached as Annex 1.


Members discussed and agreed items for the Group’s future work plan.


RESOLVED: (i)         That the approved remit for the Young People’s Working Group be noted.


                        (ii)        That it be noted that the Group will receive future reports setting out a work plan with targets based upon that remit.


REASON:      To ensure that the Group can pursue its work within a clear set of parameters.


                        (iii)       That the following items be agreed for inclusion on the work plan:



Meeting Date


Children & Young People’s Plan

25 October 2006


Youth Offer Pilot           

25 October 2006



25 October 2006, then as required.

How this is being addressed by by the Young People’s Development Worker

Key messages from consultation


Standing item, enabling the Chair to provide verbal updates to the Group

Events Programme


Standing item, informing the Group of key events involving consultation

Hear By Right Update

As required


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