Issue - meetings

Declarations of Interest

Meeting: 17/07/2006 - Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel (Item 16)

Declarations of Interest

At this point Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on this agenda.


At this point Members were asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on this agenda.


Councillor Merrett declared a personal non prejudicial interest in agenda item 6 ‘Proposed improvements to the Moor Lane, Askham Lane & Askham Bryan Lane Junctions on the A1237 York Outer Ring Road’ as he was an honorary member of the Cycle Touring Club. He exercised his right to remain in the room and took part in the discussion.


Councillor D’Agorne declared a personal non prejudicial interest in agenda item 6 ‘Proposed improvements to the Moor Lane, Askham Lane & Askham Bryan Lane Junctions on the A1237 York Outer Ring Road’ as he was a member of the Cycle Touring Club, York Cycle Campaign and York College Green Plan Travel Group. He exercised his right to remain in the room and took part in the discussion.


Councillor Hyman declared a personal non prejudicial interest in agenda item 5 ‘Science City York:  Future Direction’ as he was the Council’s representative on Science City York. He exercised his right to remain in the room and took part in the discussion.


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