Issue - meetings

St Oswald's C of E School, Fulford (06/0784/FUL)

Meeting: 13/07/2006 - East Area Planning Sub-Committee (Item 11)

11 St Oswald's C of E School, Fulford (06/0784/FUL) pdf icon PDF 32 KB

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Members considered a Full Application, submitted by Sewell Education for external and car parking lighting at St Oswald’s C of E Primary School. This application had been deferred at the last meeting of the Sub-Committee to allow Officers to obtain further information regarding the lighting scheme.


Officers updated that the technical information requested on the lighting scheme had been included as part of the Officers report on the application. Further details of the lighting plots to show the effects of the light together with photographs of the lights in operation were circulated at the meeting.


Representations were received in support of the application from the Architect and electrical consultant for the scheme who confirmed that the lights were required for safety, security and insurance purposes.


Members raised concerns that some of the lights appeared to reach beyond the site boundary which could affect the amenities of neighbouring properties, especially in winter.  Concerns were also raised over the potential safety aspect of the floodlights for the visibility of drivers/cyclists entering the school site or at the junction of School Lane.



RESOLVED:That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the report and the addition of the following informatives



 1. Informative. Please ensure that the lighting in the car park is directed so as not to glare in the eyes of users when entering the site.


 2. Informative. The lighting to the car park and footpaths within the site should be switched of at night before the 22.00 hours timed switch off, at times when the building is not in evening use. This will avoid unnecessary intrusion into the amenity of adjacent residents.



REASON:                 In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed above, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to the impact on the street scene and the amenity of neighbours.  As such the proposal complies with Policy GP1 of the City of York Draft Local Plan.


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