Issue - meetings

Burdyke Avenue Improvement Scheme

Meeting: 07/08/2014 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 9)

9 Burdyke Avenue Improvement Scheme pdf icon PDF 79 KB

This report asks the Cabinet Member to consider including an improvement scheme for Burdyke Avenue in the Capital programme following a petition from residents.


Resolved:           That the Cabinet Member:


i.     Approved the addition of the Burdyke Avenue Improvement Scheme to the Capital Programme and vests delegated powers in City of York Council (CYC) Sustainable Transport Officers to commence work on the scheme.


Reason:      To enable officers to commence design and consultation on the scheme with a view to delivering it within the current financial year.


ii.    Agreed to a further report be brought to him,  Cabinet Member for Transport, after consultation.


Reason:       To recommend and agree a final design.





Consideration was given to a report which outlined the details of a petition submitted by residents for improvements to Burdyke Avenue.


Officers outlined the report, the key points were as follows:

·        Burdyke Avenue carries high volumes of traffic in relation to its width and kerbside development due to being on the route of two bus services and being a through route between Burton Green and Water Lane.

·        Buses are frequently held up, residents complain about parked cars and vans being struck and grass verges are being damaged.

·        A 103 signature petition had been submitted by residents requesting action and the bus companies had also identified Burdyke Avenue as area where services are experiencing delays.


The Cabinet Member commented that he was happy to agree the recommendations to enable officers to commence work on an improvement scheme.


Resolved:           That the Cabinet Member:


i.     Approved the addition of the Burdyke Avenue Improvement Scheme to the Capital Programme and vests delegated powers in City of York Council (CYC) Sustainable Transport Officers to commence work on the scheme.


Reason:      To enable officers to commence design and consultation on the scheme with a view to delivering it within the current financial year.


ii.    Agreed to a further report be brought to him,  Cabinet Member for Transport, after consultation.


Reason:       To recommend and agree a final design.





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