Issue - meetings

General Fund - Provisional Revenue Out-turn 2005/06

Meeting: 21/06/2006 - Shadow Executive (Item 16)

General Fund - Provisional Revenue Out-turn 2005/06


The Shadow Executive considered a report which was listed as item 8 on the agenda for the Executive meeting on 27 June, at page 51.  The report set out the projected out-turn position on the Council’s General Fund Revenue Account, the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), Commercial Services, the Collection Fund and the Public Sector Agreements (PSAs) for 2005/06.


Having discussed the issues set out in the report, the following comments were agreed:


The Shadow Executive:

  • Notes that there are a small number of areas with very significant overspends, which are likely to be ongoing into the current financial year.
  • Would like to see reports on how these matters will be addressed, including those areas where early in year monitoring did not indicate problems, particularly Adult Social Services and Children’s Services, and seeks assurances that the management information issues this suggests are also being addressed.


RESOLVED:(i) That the Executive be asked to take the above comments into account when considering this item.


                        (ii)        That the item not be called in.


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