Issue - meetings
High Speed Rail College
Meeting: 23/04/2014 - Executive (Item 128)
128 High Speed Rail College PDF 140 KB
This report asks Cabinet to confirm City of York Council support for the response for York Central to be considered as a location for the college hub, and delegate authority for the finalisation and submission of a response to officers, working with Network Rail as the landowners.
This is an urgent item due to the deadline for submission of 30 April 2014.
Additional documents:
Resolved: That Cabinet support the response for York Central to be considered as a location for the hub of the new High Speed Rail college, and delegate authority for the finalisation and submission of a response to officers, working with Network Rail as the landowners.
Reason: It supports the potential creation of jobs and growth of one of the city’s key economic sectors.
Consideration was given to a report which asked Council to support a consultation response to the Government for York Central to be considered as the location for a Rail College hub. The College would be focussed on designing and delivering the high level skills required for high speed rail and other major engineering projects in the future.
This item had been added as an urgent item to the Cabinet agenda in view of the deadline for submission of response by 30 April 2014.
It was noted that although competition from other cities would be strong, the case for locating the college in York was equally as strong as it was already the site of a national hub for employment and research in the rail industry.
Officers confirmed the importance of the bid for the city as it was envisaged that the college would provide a base for all future major investment training. The knock on effects on both employers and the supply chain were highlighted together with the importance of the training facilities for the local employment market. Reference was also made to the support of both rail and city centre businesses to the bid.
The Leader referred to extensive work undertaken with partners around the bid and to public support received which would also be a consideration when assessing the bids.
Resolved: That Cabinet support the response for York Central to be considered as a location for the hub of the new High Speed Rail college, and delegate authority for the finalisation and submission of a response to officers, working with Network Rail as the landowners.
Reason: It supports the potential creation of jobs and growth of one of the city’s key economic sectors.