Issue - meetings

48 Wetherby Road (06/00222/FUL)

Meeting: 22/06/2006 - West & City Centre Area Planning Sub-Committee (Item 5)

5 48 Wetherby Road (06/00222/FUL) pdf icon PDF 48 KB

Additional documents:


Members considered a full application for the erection of a detached dwelling and garage to the rear of 48 Wetherby Road, submitted by Mr K Webb. 


Officers updated the committee that the following additional condition was recommended should Members approve the application;


“The exiting hedge on the eastern boundary of the site shall not be removed or reduced in height, until the boundary details required of Condition 6 have been approved in writing by the Local Planning authority.


The hedgerow as agreed to be retained, shall therefore be maintained in accordance with a scheme to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In the Interests of the visual amenities of the area and the occupiers of neighbouring properties.”


Ms Davies, a neighbour to the site, addressed the committee and raised concerns about loss of privacy in rear gardens, the height of the western wall at the boundary, no space for scaffolding, loss of trees, including a maple and 100 ft of mature hedge and fear of increased risk of crime.  Mr Shore addressed the committee with concerns about the visual impact of the proposal, loss of privacy and increase of noise.  Mr Smalley addressed the committee with concerns that the design was out of character with the area as there was no other rear developments, loss of the use of his garden and specific concerns about the manoeuvre to get a car onto and out of the site and the practicalities of having locked gates.


Mr Barnes, the agent for the applicant addressed the committee and answered some of the concerns raised.  He emphasised the separation distances from the proposed dwelling to other properties and confirmed that the hawthorne hedge along the boundary would be kept.


Members had concerns about the height of the scheme and the siting of the building on the plot and the consequent impact on neighbouring properties.



That the application be refused.




By virtue of the width of the plot, the height of the proposal and the proximity of adjacent houses would result in harm for the living conditions of the occupiers of 50 Wetherby Road also 18 and 20 Ridgeway and the overbearing impact and loss of privacy is contrary to GP1 and H4A.


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