Issue - meetings

City Strategy Directorate Performance and Finance First Monitoring Report

Meeting: 11/09/2006 - Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel (Item 40)

2006/07 City Strategy Finance and Performance Monitor One Report

This report presents the latest projections for revenue and capital expenditure for the City Strategy portfolio area, together with details of the department’s performance against Best Value Performance Indicators, Customer First targets and Staff Management Targets.


Members received a report which presented the latest projections for revenue and capital expenditure for the City Strategy portfolio area, together with details of the department’s performance against Best Value Performance Indicators, Customer First targets and Staff Management Targets.


The provisional outturn position for the portfolio showed an underspend of £63k for the financial year.  The main reason for the underspend was improved parking income offset by overspends within street lighting and shortfall on planning income.


Performance on key Best Value Indicators was improving, in particular in relation to planning.  Customer first targets were generally being achieved or exceeded, with problem areas remaining in Planning and Sustainability letter answering.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised:


(i)         That the financial and performance monitoring position of the portfolio be approved.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:      In accordance with budgetary and performance monitoring procedures.


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