Issue - meetings

Service Plan Monitoring

Meeting: 07/09/2006 - Executive Member for Children and Young People's Services and Advisory Panel (Item 19)

Service Plan Performance Monitoring - Period 1

This Report outlines the procedures for performance reporting and analyses performance by reference to the service plan, the budget and the performance indicators for all of the services funded through the education budget and through the budget for the children’s division of community services. 


Advice of the Advisory Panel:


That the Executive Member be advised:

(i)                      To note the performance of services within the Directorate funded through the Children’s Services budgets.

(ii)                    To agree to the transfer of £41k to the Leisure & Culture portfolio as set out in paragraph 4 of the report


Decision of the Executive Member:


RESOLVED:       That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            (i)      In accordance with monitoring procedures.

(ii)In order to meet funding requirements.


Members considered a report which analysed performance by reference to the Service Plan, the budget and performance indicators (PIs) for all services funded through the Children’s Services budget.


Officers updated Members and circulated a summary of the Children’s Services portfolio which outlined the 2006/07 original estimates and latest approved budget together with details of Service Plan variations from the approved budget.


The report highlighted steady progress in the first period of the year against the service plans and identified some of the key achievements in the year to date:


·         Within Access and inclusion, targets had been met for the preparation of statements of SEN and deadlines have been met for statements that required input from other agencies, such as the Health Service


·         The Youth Service have implemented a number of important initiatives including the extension of the Positive Activities for Young People (PAYP), the establishment of Make Space Youth Centre at Fulford School.


·         Considerable progress had been made against key actions for Children and Families.  In particular, the work on integrating frontline services into local integrated children’s centres


·         Progress had been made in the transition to an Integrated Children’s System within electronic records and in responding to new requirements of the Adoption and Children Act.


The report also highlighted areas where further work  was needed.   These included a likely delay in the publication of the draft Youth Offer and the delayed opening of the City Centre One-Stop Shop at Castlegate from September 2006 to January 2007.  Of most concern was the increase in the number of looked after children in the first quarter of the year which had placed considerable pressure on local resources and budgets.




Advice of the Advisory Panel:


That the Executive Member be advised:

(i)                      To note the performance of services within the Directorate funded through the Children’s Services budgets.

(ii)                    To agree to the transfer of £41k to the Leisure & Culture portfolio as set out in paragraph 4 of the report


Decision of the Executive Member:


RESOLVED:       That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            (i)      In accordance with monitoring procedures.

(ii)In order to meet funding requirements.


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