Issue - meetings

Thornlea, 23 The Village, Wigginton (06/00514/OUTM)

Meeting: 15/06/2006 - East Area Planning Sub-Committee (Item 4)

4 Thornlea, 23 The Village, Wigginton (06/00514/OUTM) pdf icon PDF 48 KB

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Members considered a Major Outline Application (13 weeks), submitted by McCarthy and Stone (Devs) Ltd, for the erection of 6 no. townhouses and 4 no. semi detached dwellings at 23-31 The Village (siting and means of access for consideration).


Officers updated that Highways were satisfied with the proposed access to the site which was the same as that indicated on the original scheme. They also confirmed that the density of the development was 35 dwellings to the hectare. Reference was also made to the submission from Wigginton Parochial Church Council giving their observations on the proposal which had been circulated to Members.


Local Members expressed concern at the update from Highways as the proposed access was a bridleway which was too narrow to accommodate two way traffic and pedestrians.


Representations were received from the Chair of Governors of Wigginton Primary School, strongly objecting to the development mainly on access grounds.


Representations were received in objection from a neighbour on behalf of a number of local residents, relating to the 3 storey development being out of keeping and dominating the street scene, traffic use of Back Lane with dangers to pedestrians and removal of trees and loss of open space.


Representation were also received in objection from a representative of Wigginton Parish Council who confirmed that many of their points had already been raised but their main concerns related to the domination of the scheme on the street scene and concerns regarding the traffic issues.


RESOLVED:  That the Application be refused.


REASON: 1. The proposal, by virtue of the scale, massing, bulk, overall height of the building, and access and layout of the site is considered to be out of character with, and detrimental to the appearance of The Village, and hence contrary to policies GP1, GP10 and H4a  of the draft City of York Local Plan (incorporating the 4th set of changes), and the aims of PPS1and PPS3.


 2               Insufficient information has been submitted to show how the site will be properly drained so as not to overload Westfield Beck. This is contrary to the requirements Draft local plan policy GP15a ( incorporating the 4th set of changes) and the aims of PPG25 


 3            In the absence of detailed plans showing how the access will be laid out and constructed it is considered that the access to the site can not accommodate the additional level of traffic proposed without detriment to the safety of pedestrians and other bridleway traffic and without detriment to the free flow of traffic. This is contrary to the aims of PPG13.


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