Issue - meetings

Possible Topics for Ad Hoc Sub-Committees (30 mins)

Meeting: 30/05/2006 - Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee (Item 5)

5 Possible Topics for Ad Hoc Sub-Committees pdf icon PDF 36 KB

This report asks Members to consider

  • a report on the numbers of outstanding scrutiny topics which have been registered but not yet taken forward
  •  to make recommendations as to which ones are to be the subject of Ad Hoc Scrutiny Sub-Committees and
  • to consider topics which were being carried out by former Scrutiny Boards which have not finished their investigations.

Additional documents:


Members received a report seeking their views on dealing with the various outstanding scrutiny topics either registered but not yet taken forward or underway but where completion was still outstanding from 2005/6. Details of all registered topics were annexed to the report and Members were advised that the following Scrutiny Boards set up in 2005/6 had not had time to complete the reviews undertaken below:-


Housing Scrutiny Board – “Sustainable Street Lighting”

Planning & Transport Scrutiny Board – “Reducing Carbon Emissions from York’s Housing”

Commercial Services Scrutiny Board – “Community Recycling and Re-Use in York”

Environment & Sustainability Scrutiny Board – “Guidance for Sustainable Development”


In making their decision, Members took into account the current available resources and the practicalities in taking on any new reviews at this time, given both staffing shortages and a new structure to work with.  As a result, they felt it would be inappropriate at this meeting to progress any of the existing registered topics further.  Instead they preferred to ensure the soonest possible completion of the above outstanding reviews already underway and to receive a more detailed work plan to assist with prioritisation at the next meeting prior to allocating any further reviews.


RESOLVED:             (1)       That no further scrutiny reviews be commenced for the time being to enable scrutiny resources to be allocated to the formation of new Ad-hoc Scrutiny Committees to enable the completion of the following outstanding reviews within the timescale shown, based on reconvening the existing former membership (where applicable):


·        Sustainable Street Lighting – to be completed and report to SMC on 26 June 2006

·        Reducing Carbon Emissions from York’s Housing – to be completed and report to SMC on 26 June 2006

·        Community Recycling & Re-Use in York – to be completed and report to SMC in July 2006

·        Guidance for Sustainable Development  - to be completed and report to SMC in July 2006.


(2)That a combined forward and work planning process be developed for report back to the next meeting to assist Members in the prioritisation of new reviews.


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