Issue - meetings

Fairness and Equalities - Progress Report

Meeting: 16/12/2013 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Communities (Item 9)

9 Fairness and Equalities - Progress Report pdf icon PDF 136 KB

A key Council priority is to improve fairness of opportunity and reduce inequalities for York residents. The purpose of this report is to show outcomes achieved in delivering against our ambition focusing on progress on our equality objectives, equalities improvement plan, and implementation of York’s Equality Scheme.


Additional documents:


Resolved:  (i)      That the following be noted;


·        The areas of achievements identified.

·        The areas of continued focus from Taking Stock and initial findings of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment which will be taken account of in the refresh of the York Equality Scheme.

·        The areas of concern and how these concerns are to be addressed.


                   (ii)      That a process to refresh the York Equality                                Scheme by April 2014 be agreed.


                   (iii)     That the peer review under the Equality                                                Framework for Local Government takes place        in                          the week commencing 19 May 2014.


Reason:     To meet our corporate commitments and provide a fair            and equitable service to City of York residents and                         staff.



The Cabinet Member considered a report which showed her outcomes achieved to improve fairness of opportunity the reduction of inequalities for York residents. It also focused on progress on equalities objectives, equalities improvement plan, and the implementation of York’s Equality Scheme.


She complimented work that had been done by Officers already on Fairness and Equalities. However, she felt that more focus needed to be placed on how we develop and support initiatives on race, faith and cultural diversity.


Further comments made in respect of the report included:


·        That a focus on York’s growing cultural diversity needed to be added into the Equality Improvement Action plan.

·        Further information was needed within the York Equality Scheme on what initiatives had been taken on respecting and celebrating diversity.

·        That figures for Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) Claimants broken down by ethnicity should include which specific ethnic groups the claimants came from.


Regarding comments on faith initiatives, Officers reported that since the report had been written further evidence had been collected with regard to relevant actions. For instance, work had taken place with York’s Muslim community with respect to planning permission for York’s first purpose built mosque.


The Cabinet Member stressed the importance of proactive work with respect to faith, culture and race.


Resolved:  (i)      That the following be noted:


·        The areas of achievements identified.

·        The areas of continued focus from Taking Stock and initial findings of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment which will be taken into account in the refresh of the York Equality Scheme.

·        The areas of concern and how these concerns are to be addressed.


                   (ii)      That a process to refresh the York Equality                                Scheme by April 2014 be agreed.


                   (iii)     That the peer review under the Equality                                                Framework for Local Government takes place        in                          the week commencing 19 May 2014.


Reason:     To meet our corporate commitments and provide a fair            and equitable service to City of York residents and                         staff.


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