Issue - meetings

Bus Information Service Provision

Meeting: 13/06/2006 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 17)

17 Bus Information Service Provision pdf icon PDF 88 KB

This report details alternative service provision for the Bus Information Service following the decision taken at Budget Council to close the office that operated from 20 George Hudson Street.


RESOLVED: (i)         That the actions taken and proposed, as set out in paragraphs 10 to 42 of the report, be approved.


                        (ii)        That Option 1 be adopted for telephone enquiries, with the local contact number (551400) being retained and calls diverted to the ‘Traveline’ regional office in Hull at no extra cost to the customer.


Members considered a report which detailed alternative provision for services previously provided by the Bus Information Service (Businfo), following the decision taken at Budget Council to close the Businfo office at 20 George Hudson Street.  The target date for closure of the office, 1 September 2006, had been brought forward to 1 June, due to problems in maintaining the service as staff left to seek alternative employment before the closure date. 


Proposals for alternative provision and actions already taken were set out in paragraphs 10 to 42 of the report.  They included:

  • Trialling of “City Space” electronic travel information and ticketing kiosks at key locations in the City.
  • In the short term, staff to be in attendance at 9 St Leonard’s Place Reception during office hours to issue concessionary travel passes and YOZone cards; this service to be performed by Parking Services staff in the longer term.
  • Renewal of staff Park and Ride passes to be carried out at the Park and Ride sites.
  • Continued use of the Businfo office space during the vacancy notice period to accommodate the Dial & Ride service, with provision of a telephone messaging service in the short term, pending resolution of longer term arrangements for this service.
  • Temporary transfer of the Wigglybus booking service to the Transport Planning Unit (1st to 30th June).
  • Distribution of printed timetable information to as many customers as possible through outlets in the City, including Council owned buildings.
  • Development of new information communication technology to replace face to face enquiry services, pending their provision via easy@york.


With regard to telephone enquiries, three options were presented:

Option 1 – retain the local Businfo contact number and transfer enquiries automatically to the “Traveline” office in Hull, operated by EYMS

Option 2 – retain the contact number and provide voicemail / answerphone giving contact details for national “Traveline” and local bus operators.

Option 3 – remove all references to the local contact number on bus stops etc. and replace with the national “Traveline” number and website address.

Advantages and disadvantages of the options were outlined in paragraphs 46-47 of the report and detailed costings were set out in Annexes A and B.  Option 1 was recommended as it would cause the minimum disruption to customers and minimise the one-off costs of closing the Businfo office.


RESOLVED: (i)         That the actions taken and proposed, as set out in paragraphs 10 to 42 of the report, be approved.


REASON:      To provide appropriate alternative service provision following closure of the Businfo office.


                        (ii)        That Option 1 be adopted for telephone enquiries, with the local contact number (551400) being retained and calls diverted to the ‘Traveline’ regional office in Hull at no extra cost to the customer.


REASON:      To minimise the disruption to customers and the one-off costs to the Council resulting from the closure.


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