Issue - meetings

Capital Programme

Meeting: 03/09/2013 - Executive (Item 40)

Capital Programme - Monitor One 2013/14


Recommended:      That Cabinet agree to recommend to Council:


·      The adjustments in the Capital programme of an increase of £1.473m in 2013/14 as detailed in the report and contained in Annex A.

·      Approval the following Housing & Public Protection schemes:


(i)    The allocation of £385k of external grants  for Housing Grants & Associated investments programme;


(ii)   The use of £255k of housing balances to fund the HRA Property Buy Back scheme;


(iii)   Note the removal of £153k of grant

resulting in a reduction of the Disabled Facilities Grant programme of works.


Reason:                        To enable the effective management and monitoring of the Council’s capital programme.




[See also Part A minute]


Members considered a report which set out the projected capital programme outturn position for 2013/14, including any under or overspends and adjustments, together with requests to re-profile budget between years, set out in full at Annex A of the report.


The approved 2013/14 capital programme, updated in July, of £75.7m had been increased in this monitor by £1.4m resulting in a revised capital programme of £77.1m. The variances by Directorate were set out at Table 1 of the report, with a summary of the key exceptions and implications for the capital programme set out at paragraphs 8 to 24.


As a result of the changes, the revised 5 year capital programme was set out at Table 2 with details of the financing of the programme at Table 3.


Recommended:      That Cabinet agree to recommend to Council:


·      The adjustments in the Capital programme of an increase of £1.473m in 2013/14 as detailed in the report and contained in Annex A.

·      Approval the following Housing & Public Protection schemes:


(i)    The allocation of £385k of external grants  for Housing Grants & Associated investments programme;


(ii)   The use of £255k of housing balances to fund the HRA Property Buy Back scheme;


(iii)   Note the removal of £153k of grant

resulting in a reduction of the Disabled Facilities Grant programme of works. 1.


Reason:                        To enable the effective management and monitoring of the Council’s capital programme.




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