Issue - meetings

Combined Authority Governance Review and Scheme

Meeting: 16/07/2013 - Executive (Item 32)

Combined Authority Governance Review and Scheme


RECOMMENDED:      That Council agree to:


(i)           Note and support the findings of the West Yorkshire Review, set out in Annex A of the report, including that a Combined Authority for the area of West Yorkshire, and ultimately including the City of York, would be likely to improve:


§     the exercise of statutory functions relating to economic development, regeneration and transport in the area;

§     the effectiveness and efficiency of transport in the area; and

§     the economic conditions in the area.


(ii)          Consider and support the proposed Scheme for establishing a West Yorkshire Combined Authority, pursuant to Section 109(2) of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act (LDEDCA) 2009.


(iii)        Confirm consent for the City of York Council to becoming a non-constituent member of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, pending assurance from proposed constituent members as to the decisions on which CYC as a non-constituent member will be given voting rights.


(iv)        Authorise the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader and with the other West Yorkshire Authorities to undertake such steps as are necessary to facilitate the submission of the Scheme and CYC’s non-constituent membership of the resulting Combined Authority.


(v)         Pursue full membership for City of York Council, and to consider the full details of this full membership as and when it becomes possible for the Council to join as a full member.


REASON:           To secure greater influence over and opportunity for investment in infrastructure in the City of York.




Members considered a report which confirmed the next steps for the City of York Council in becoming a non-constituent member of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, in order to improve transport and economic activity.


As it was not currently legally possible for York to become a full constituent member, non-constituent membership was proposed in the interim which would allow a degree of decision making powers.


In order to secure Government approval for a Combined Authority the West Yorkshire Local Authorities were required to undertake a statutory review of economic and transport functions, details of which were set out at paragraphs 8 to16 and at Annex A of the report. The proposal for the Combined Authority, legally known as a “Scheme”, prepared for the approval of the Secretary of State was shown at Annex B, which, if agreed, could result in the Combined Authority being created by April 2014. 


Further information on the Scheme and supporting structures were reported at paragraphs 21 to 25 with timescales for future decisions at paragraph 28. The legal implications and risks of the Council not becoming a member were also reported.


The Leader confirmed a change in the report recommendation, in that the recommendations required Council approval. The Cabinet Member reiterated the importance of membership of the Authority and the gains for economic growth and receipt of transport funding for the city.


RECOMMENDED:      That Council agree to:


(i)           Note and support the findings of the West Yorkshire Review, set out in Annex A of the report, including that a Combined Authority for the area of West Yorkshire, and ultimately including the City of York, would be likely to improve:


§     the exercise of statutory functions relating to economic development, regeneration and transport in the area;

§     the effectiveness and efficiency of transport in the area; and

§     the economic conditions in the area.


(ii)          Consider and support the proposed Scheme for establishing a West Yorkshire Combined Authority, pursuant to Section 109(2) of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act (LDEDCA) 2009.


(iii)        Confirm consent for the City of York Council to becoming a non-constituent member of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, pending assurance from proposed constituent members as to the decisions on which CYC as a non-constituent member will be given voting rights.


(iv)        Authorise the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader and with the other West Yorkshire Authorities to undertake such steps as are necessary to facilitate the submission of the Scheme and CYC’s non-constituent membership of the resulting Combined Authority.


(v)         Pursue full membership for City of York Council, and to consider the full details of this full membership as and when it becomes possible for the Council to join as a full member. 1.



REASON:           To secure greater influence over and opportunity for investment in infrastructure in the City of York.




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