Issue - meetings

Petition From The Residents Of St Philip’s Grove Requesting Traffic Calming Or The Road To Be Blocked Off

Meeting: 07/06/2006 - Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel (Item 9)

9 Petition From The Residents Of St Philip’s Grove Requesting Traffic Calming Or The Road To Be Blocked Off pdf icon PDF 40 KB

This report advises the Executive Member of the receipt of a petition from residents of St Philip’s Grove, Clifton requesting traffic calming or the road to be blocked off. St Philip’s Grove is a residential street with a 30 mph speed limit. The report recommends responding to resident’s concerns with the Community Speed Watch initiative.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report which reported receipt of a petition from residents of St Philip’s Grove, Clifton requesting traffic calming or the road to be blocked off.


Officers outlined details of the “mean” speed used when undertaking the speed survey on St Philip’s Grove which indicated that although the road was perceived by residents as a “rat run” the evidence did not back this up. In answer to questions Officers confirmed that data from this survey would be  retained as a comparator for other streets.


Members requested that if the recommendation was approved that a timescale should be set for reporting back on the success of the initiative.


Consideration was then given to the following options


  1. Respond to resident’s concerns with the Community Speed Watch initiative. The road safety team recognised that resident’s could feel threatened by traffic speed even when data showed that there was not a measurable speed problem. The initiative would help residents to take a stance against any drivers who felt that it was acceptable to drive too fast on St Philip’s Grove.


  1. Implement traffic calming on St Philip’s Grove. However, road safety capital expenditure was evidence led and the data did not justify spending on physical measures.


  1. Block off St Philip’s Grove. The speed survey diud not justify this course of action. Network Management would object to this option as there was no safe location for any vehicle to turn around and insufficient highway land to allow the construction of suitable facilities at any point along its length. Without such facilities large vehicles such as refuse wagons would either have to reverse into the street and then up to the point of closure or reverse out. Either scenario would put pedestrians and property at risk in St Philip’s Grove and the latter would pose a safety problem at the two main junctions.


  1. Take no action.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised:


ii)                  That the content of the petition be noted;


ii)      That approval be given to the Community Speed Watch initiative in response to the petition;


iii)      That Officers reply to the lead petitioner on the outcome of the report;



iv)        That Officers, in consultation with Ward Members, be given delegated authority to consider a report on the success of the initiative in 6 months.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and the suggested decisions, above, be endorsed.


REASON:To try and alleviate the perceived danger problems on St Philip’s Grove and to empower the residents in this respect.


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