Issue - meetings

Chief Executive’s Performance And Financial Year End Report 05/06

Meeting: 07/06/2006 - Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel (Item 4)

4 Chief Executive’s Performance And Financial Year End Report 05/06 pdf icon PDF 79 KB

This is an out-turn report to inform Members about the 05/06 year end position on performance against actions and targets relating to high level deliverables, critical success factors and Local and Best Value Performance Indicators. Members are asked to note the year-end performance and financial position and make recommendations with regards to revenue carry forward bids and capital funding.

Additional documents:


Members considered an out-turn report which informed them of the 2005/06 year end position on performance against actions and targets relating to high level deliverables, critical success factors and Local and Best Value Performance Indicators. The report also reported on the capital and revenue financial out-turns for the Chief Executive’s Directorate.


Members questioned the Civic, Democratic & Legal Services under spend in particular relating to the External Consultancy budget in Legal Services. Concern was also expressed regarding the low number of performance appraisals completed by the end of July, response times to Stage 3 complaints, project slippage on Ward Committee schemes and the reasons for no savings being made in Corporate Human Resources.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Leader be advised:  


i)                    That the performance and financial out-turn position for 2005/06 be noted subject to carrying forward bids totalling £80K as detailed in paragraph 58 of the report;


ii)       Carrying forward £98K of capital slippage as outlined in paragraph    60 of the report;


ii)                  That Officers email Members of the Panel additional information in relation to the following points


·  Details of the under spend in the Safer Cities budget (Civic, Democratic & Legal Services)

·  York Pride Action Line (YPLA) customer contact satisfaction details

·  Reasons for lack of improvement in response times to Stage 3 complaints (Customer First)

·  No savings being made in the Corporate HR budget

·  Details of the Ward Committee capital schemes which have slipped


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and the suggested decisions, above, be endorsed.


REASON:      To prevent further slippage or non completion on the projects and actions identified and to ensure that schemes can be completed.


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