Issue - meetings

Dunnington Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan

Meeting: 16/09/2013 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 18)

18 Dunnington Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan pdf icon PDF 93 KB

This report provides an update on the proposed Dunnington Neighbourhood Plan and specifically requests that the Cabinet Member approves the formal application to allow the Plan to progress.


Additional documents:


Resolved:           That the Cabinet Member approved the  formal application of the Dunnington Neighbourhood Plan including the proposed boundary as attached at Annex A of the report.


Reason:              To enable the plan to progress.


The Cabinet Member considered a report which provided an update on the proposed Dunnington Neighbourhood Plan and requested approval of the formal plan to enable it to progress.


Officers outlined the report and drew the Cabinet Members attention to the timetable on page 5 of the report which indicated that the draft of the plan would be published in April 2014.


The Chair of Dunnington Parish Council was in attendance at the meeting. He advised that the plan offered the opportunity to update the village boundary and that he looked forward to working with City of York Council on the plan.


The Cabinet Member queried if neighbouring Parish Councils had been consulted on the application. Officers advised that at this stage they hadn’t as the initial application was about the village itself identifying the boundary. It was confirmed that neighbouring Parish Councils would be consulted in the pre-submission consultation stage. The Cabinet Member asked that for future Neighbourhood Plan applications, neighbouring Parish Councils be consulted earlier in the process.


The Cabinet Member commented that it was important to get this Neighbourhood Plan right so that it could be used as a model for any future applications. He acknowledged the hard work involved and was happy to approve the application.



Resolved:           That the Cabinet Member approved the  formal application of the Dunnington Neighbourhood Plan including the proposed boundary as attached at Annex A of the report.


Reason:              To enable the plan to progress.


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