Issue - meetings

A Forward Plan for the Audit and Governance Committee

Meeting: 06/06/2006 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 11)

11 Forward Agenda Proposals pdf icon PDF 42 KB

This report sets out proposals for the Committee’s forward agenda from its inaugural meeting in June 2006 up to and including April 2008, for consideration and discussion by Members.

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Members considered a report which set out proposals for the Audit and Governance Committee’s forward agenda up to and including April 2008.


The Committee was scheduled to meet on a quarterly basis.  However, due to the need to arrange the inaugural meeting in early June (Committee Members having been appointed at Annual Council on 25 May) and a special meeting in late June to take the Statement of Accounts, the timetable for the current year was slightly out of line with key items for approval.  In order to achieve a better match in the next municipal year, it was suggested that Members agree their forward meeting dates for 2007/08 at this, their inaugural meeting.  Proposals as to those items which must, as a minimum, be considered at each meeting up to April 2008 were detailed in Annex A to the report.


Officers reported a number of amendments to Annex A, including:

  • Revisions to the time periods covered by the cyclical mid point follow-up review reports scheduled between June 06 and April 08
  • The potential deferral of the report on the Barbican scheduled for 26 June
  • Additional reports to be scheduled for the meeting on 4 October, to also include Privacy/confidentiality Protocol, Audit Commission Mid-term Client Monitoring report, Audit Commission report to those charged with Governance


RESOLVED: (i)         That the forward plan proposals set out in Annex A to the report, and the amendments reported by Officers at the meeting, be noted and a revised version of Annex A circulated to Members.


REASON:      To ensure the effective management of Committee business.


                        (ii)        That a report on privacy and confidentiality be prepared by Officers, in consultation with the Chair, for consideration as the first item on the agenda for the meeting on 4 October.


REASON:      To enable this item to be considered prior to the item on Breaches and Waivers scheduled for the same meeting.


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