Issue - meetings

Housing General Fund Service Plan Outturn

Meeting: 05/06/2006 - Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services Advisory Panel (Item 8)

8 Housing General Fund Service Plan - Outturn Report pdf icon PDF 76 KB

This report provides the Executive Member with an overview of progress on the service plan for Housing General Fund.


Members considered a report that provided an overview of progress on the service plan for Housing General Fund.


The report advised that the net draft outturn was £1,160k. The outturn figure was £136k less than the latest approved budget of £1,296k. The reasons for the main variations between the approved budget and the draft revenue outturn were detailed in the report.


Officers reported that the supply of affordable new homes was less than what had been estimated and that the outcome of the two planning enquiries into Germany Beck and Derwenthorpe could have a major impact. Members expressed concern that the target of 200 new affordable homes per year was not being met and that a back log could build up causing further problems.


The Executive Member for Housing expressed her thanks for the hard work and achievements made by all officers.


Advice of the Advisory Panel:


That the Executive Member for Housing be advised to note the achievements and progress made in delivering the Housing General Fund Service Plan.


Decision of the Executive Member for Housing:



That the advice of the Advisory Panel as set out above be accepted and endorsed.



To inform the Executive Member of objectives that have been met and service plan delivered within the approved budget.







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